The double passenger bench seat needs to go.You can't squeeze past it to get into the front of the van.
Campervanning seems to be a hobby for couples:the greater proportion of converted vans seem to have just two front seats,often on swivels,to form part of a "lounge area" in the forward section of the van.
I want to keep my options open,and have 3 seats so that the occasional family member or friend (or hitchhiker) can come too.This will have an added advantage of not needing to change the seating number on the DVLA registration document.The Renault Master seats have a nice big armrest-I wanted to get a matching seat to go on the passenger side.Various people suggested getting a second hand drivers seat,but the armrest on the left hand side would have to go,and the seatbelt lock would be on the wrong side.The obvious answer is to source a Left hand drive Driver's seat from Europe.And while I'm at it why not two,with one extra driver's seat fixed in the rear,rather than a minibus type seat?The armrest will stop the passenger falling out sideways!
Campervanning seems to be a hobby for couples:the greater proportion of converted vans seem to have just two front seats,often on swivels,to form part of a "lounge area" in the forward section of the van.
I want to keep my options open,and have 3 seats so that the occasional family member or friend (or hitchhiker) can come too.This will have an added advantage of not needing to change the seating number on the DVLA registration document.The Renault Master seats have a nice big armrest-I wanted to get a matching seat to go on the passenger side.Various people suggested getting a second hand drivers seat,but the armrest on the left hand side would have to go,and the seatbelt lock would be on the wrong side.The obvious answer is to source a Left hand drive Driver's seat from Europe.And while I'm at it why not two,with one extra driver's seat fixed in the rear,rather than a minibus type seat?The armrest will stop the passenger falling out sideways!

I hit on the idea of searching for seats online in Holland as I felt that I was likely to find I could speak English to any web contact I found.A little bit of searching and I came up with Dennis Boomkamp Trading , Edisonstraat 11a, 7601 PS Almelo, Netherlands.What I'm looking according to Google Translate is bestuurdersstoel (driver's seat).A couple of emails,with a picture of my existing seats so as to get matching upholstery,a Euro bank transfer online,and 2 perfect second-hand seats arrived in a couple of days.Removing /replacing seats is child's play,you just need a spanner to undo the nuts at the four corners.There are fortunately no electronics issues to contend with such as airbag sensors or seat belt pretensioners,on these simple bench seats,and the single seat fits neatly over four of the five holes vacated by the bench seat,and is fixed using the same nuts.
The 3rd seat is to be fixed to the floor,alongside the sliding side door,in the position shown.This door will have a window. An interesting fact is that the safety of seats are looked at in an MOT only with factory fitted seats.if you add any to a private vehicle it's up to you whether they're done safely.But seeing as I might like the person sitting in this seat,best to get it fixed properly,with underfloor bolts/strengthening brackets.The seatbelt (sourced off Ebay,again)will fit nicely on the sliding door side stanchion. |

One spin-off is that we now have a very attractive new hall seat!!.For some reason I am being threatened with it being taken to the dump.