An original idea I had when dreaming up the plan,was to get some second hand mattresses from an old caravan.I rapidly worked out that a) these would be grotty,and b) due to the critical dimensions of my build,the mattresses and cushions were going to have to be bespoke.
These were not cheap,but I think that the end result is definitely worth it.
These were not cheap,but I think that the end result is definitely worth it.

The first step was to choose some foam.As with every step in this project,there proved to be a huge choice,and choosing foam is a science in itself.Which thickness?which type of foam.?firm,soft?-you need a fairly firm bench seat to sit on,but if you have to lie on it at night it must be soft too.You can even get bespoke "sandwiches" made,with a layer of memory foam on a firmer base.I used who are conveniently in Bristol,and I was able to lie on several offcuts on the warehouse floor before making a choice.

Sections of 14cm thick foam,at home,in need of covers.
The biggest section is the seatbase/single bed mattress.The two narrower strips can serve as a seat back,but two of them together form the double bed mattress when the bed is extended.There is one small section as an end rest,but serves as the small extra piece of mattress for the bed extension section.

Bespoke covers were also made by a local Bristol firm.Actually,they could have supplied the foam too,but I was not to know this at the time.

The foam has all been covered in a hard-wearing grey upholstery pattern.